About 2014 action program

About 2014 action program

Mr. Kinoshita, President

Mr. Kinoshita, President

 On 2013 business year, we actively put many items into practice, such as the tenth anniversary event, a citizens cooperation seminar, further public relations. I would like to send you my hearty thanks as we could get the expected results on all of these action items with your generous support.

 METI’s policy of re-starting “Industrial clusters”, reported at the beginning of this year, focuses to develop networks with Industry & Government & Academy for medium and small business firms. We, similarly named a “Industrial cluster”, will be on the same route actively putting many items into practice for medium and small business firms having hard challenges.

 We recognize the year of 2014, as the tenth year since our establishment, is the year of start stepping to a new stage and are acting in accordance with developed policies below.

  1. Expanding supporting companies and areas they are located.
    • With renewed supporting menu, we will expand the number of members and areas of their location.
  2. Enlightening environmental improvement to the community and enforcing supporting actions for them.
    1. Expanding supporting accreditation of EA21, ISO series and enlightening Junior high schools and Elementary schools for environment management.
    2. Continuing action on the business entrusted by Yokohama City University CSR Center.
    3. Supporting sales promotion of environment-friendly product for corporate members.
  3. Promoting activity for “New community” as a Certified NPO.
    • Promoting our society to citizens through Seminars and cooperative businesses with local governments.
  4. Acquiring more businesses entrusted by local governments, universities and other NPOs.
    • Actively applying to cooperative businesses with local governments. Introducing various supporting items for medium and small businesses provided by ministries and agencies and local governments.
  5. Expanding supporting companies and individual members with active PR.
    • Promoting the organization and member recruitment through our magazines and HP. We newly adopted to introduce events held by government or other bodies as “Town’s information”.
  6. Promoting relationship with other bodies.
    • Joining events promoted by local bodies and “Yokohama interchange meeting” to get information. Also establishing active relationship with Chambers of Industries and Commerce at various cities.

 We will have Top managements‘ cross-fertilize meeting more frequently with your heart-full support.

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