President’s New Year Message in 2013
Under these difficult circumstances, the amended Non-Profit Organization Law of Japan was enforced to expand public tasks of the NPOs’ activities and, as for our Institute of Industrial Cluster, we were authorized by the National Tax Agency as a tax-incentive organization to which donators can enjoy tax-return to some extent on their donation for the public-service contribution.
Responding to these important responsibilities, we are determined to enhance business support activities, to enlarge activity areas, to strengthen public relation advertisement, to increase our individual members for much more effective supporting resources, to generate strong relations with other organizations and to vitalize industry-government-academic cooperation. In addition, for an individual enterprise, we are planning to offer an unparalleled comprehensive contract program which covers any and all operational fields of the enterprise through comprehensive solutions created by the field-specialized know-how of our experienced individual members. We are confident that this program may particularly best fit to small and medium businesses.
According to the Chinese zodiac, 2013 is the year of the Serpent, of which Chinese character means “to cease” and more descriptively that all plants having grown to their maximum limit once stop their own life and instead start to generate their new life from the seeds. Taking this tale for our additionally new-born activities, we commit to make our best effort persistently for fruitful social and industrial contribution.